Friday, July 20, 2012

Garden of the Martini Vines!

I've always enjoyed the idea of gardening. Though, if plants grew glasses of martini, I'd have a far greener thumb.

Been real busy with work lately so this had to be done on and off for about 2 weeks. I tried pushing the values a little more this time compared to the previous one, just so I could create something a little more dramatic.

Please enjoy responsibly.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ancient Mysteries!

Been watching a tonne of 'Ancient Aliens' and studying Mucha this week.

Been playing around with a different workflow this time, where I skip laying down the values and head straight to colouring.

I need to be a little more careful but it's a whole lot more spontaneous and saves me some time!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Den Of The Pinata Dragon!

Strips of paper, sweeties and more,  
just follow the smell of candy, 

Don't forget all the loot that's in store, 
and keep your weapon handy!

It's boss time as our heroes find themselves face to face with the sneaky sweet-tooth - The Pinata Dragon! 

About a weeks worth of work from end to end, finding the right colours took quite a while. Lessons learned: Establish my flow, palette and composition right at the start!

Please enjoy responsibly.


Very bare bones line art when I scanned it in. Lines were primarily done digitally this time around.